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novie mccabe

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I was born in 2001 and grew up in the Methow Valley in North-Central Washington State. I am a cross country skier and have been for as long as I can remember. I realized that skiing was something that I wanted to pursue at a young age, mostly because it was something that I could do with my friends and family that brought me a lot of joy. Some things have changed as I have grown up and decided to set higher goals and immerse myself in the sport in a more focused manner, but I still ski because I love it and because of the great community that it allows me to be a part of. 


The highlights of my career thus far include a couple of top 10s at Junior Worlds and a relay podium at Junior Worlds, which is one of my favorite ski memories. Most of my skiing highlights so far don’t necessarily entail winning medals on a big stage. A lot of them would probably look a bit underwhelming to people on the outside, but to me, those seemingly insignificant accomplishments give me the confidence to set big goals for the future, and therefore are the most important highlights! 

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